Forms of Applied Research Projects in Micro- and Macro-Ergonomics in Germany: Trends from the Past 1975 – 2000 into the Future

In the German federal funding programs, the topics “humanization of work”, “work and technique” and “work design and services” are treated as relevant for the research into ergonomics as well as for practical applications. In a project for the ministry of research and development several hundred projects from the past (1975-2000) were reanalyzed with respect to their impact, arranged in a 7-level-scheme of different views on working processes and evaluated according to success factors. From the analysis and interviews / workshops with the main project-developers, trends for future research lines were identified and formulated.
Palabras Clave: 
German federal funding programs “humanization of work”, work and technique / work design and services
Autor principal: 

Luczak, Holger

Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics (IAW) / Bergdriesch 27 / 52062 Aachen / Germany 49 2 41 477 05 102 /

Rösler, Dirk

Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics (IAW) / Bergdriesch 27 / 52062 Aachen / Germany 49 2 41 80 99 466 /


In the German federal funding programs, the topics “humanization of work”, “work and technique” and “work design and services” are treated as relevant for the research into ergonomics as well as for practical applications.

In a project for the ministry of research and development several hundred projects from the past (1975-2000) were reanalyzed with respect to their impact, arranged in a 7-level-scheme of different views on working processes and evaluated according to success factors. From the analysis and interviews / workshops with the main project- developers, trends for future research lines were identified and formulated.



German federal funding programs “humanization of work”, “work and technique” and “work design and services”


In the context of the German research programs “humanization of work”, “work and technique” and “work design and services”, various projects concerning job design as well as work and company organization have been carried out.

Retrospectively it becomes clear that the attained experiences and worked-out approaches concerning the development of human potential and the increase of productivity have only partly expanded into new work and business processes.

Outstanding concepts and models concerning work design, work and business organizations as well as the procedure regarding the transfer and realisation of change processes have been analysed and allocated to potential users in the context of a project fostered by the Federal Ministry of Research.

Furthermore, exploratory focuses of the past were identified and future research demands forecasted by experts of science and practice (n=37). The results are constituted in the following.


The exploratory focuses in the range of work design and work as well as business organization, identified by operational and research experts in interviews may be divided into topics of the past and future.

Research topics of the past have been handled in projects supported in the range of the German research programs “humanization of work”, “work and technique” and “work design and services” (1975-2000), whereas research topics of the future reflect forecasted research and operation demands from the experts point of view.

For structuring the multiplicity of these research topics, one refers to the level-scheme of different views on working processes (Luczak