Evaluation and modeling of occupational and environmental health risks of erionite exposure

Fibrous erionite exposure is one of the significant emerging health hazards in different countries. Erionite deposits and related potential health risks are reported in Turkey, Mexico, United States and other regions. However, carcinogenic potency of erionite in humans has not been evaluated yet. The talk will explore various approaches to erionite potency estimation. Based on the published data about mesothelioma mortality in Cappadocia, Turkey, and related measured erionite concentrations indoor and outdoor, it will be demonstrated that mesothelioma potency of erionite, measured as Hodgson, Darnton’s percent excess mortality per the unit of cumulative exposure, can be estimated as 3.96 (95 %CI 1.31, 9.62, median 2.92), approximately 6 times higher than for crocidolite, 3000 times higher than for chrysotile asbestos. An empiric model allowing to predict potency factor of different asbestos fiber types through regression on their chemical composition and fiber dimensionality yields similar estimation of average mesothelioma potency for erionite (2.8). Findings on erionite potency factor once again reinforce the necessity of establishing occupational air standards for erionite exposure and additional precautions that should be taken on workplaces and in the situations with potential environmental exposure.
Epidemiología; Evaluación de riesgos; Riesgos emergentes; Prevención de riesgos laborales
Main Author: 
Chemistry & Industrial Hygiene, Inc.
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