Former Google HR manager says your boss wants you to boil slowly like a frog and bring you back to the office, which would be terrible for morale and productivity.

Former Google HR manager says your boss wants you to boil slowly like a frog and bring you back to the office, which would be terrible for morale and productivity.

Defeating Bruce on Monday is especially challenging for Google employees this week. Starting today, workers are required to come to headquarters three times a week. But according to Laszlo Bock, a former chief of Google’s human resources and now CEO of Humu, this hybrid model won’t exist that long.
16 octubre 2023

According to Bock, after a flexible working model of 3 to 5 years and a hybrid plan, regular internal schedules will be prioritized after Google. He predicts that this transition will occur in the coming years and tells Bloomberg how to boil frogs.

Purpose of the boiled frog method [is] Bock told Fortune to do it subtly and thereby avoid difficult questions and conflicts. But it’s not only bad for trust and morale, it’s also bad for employees and the company.

According to Bock, a study at Humu shows that the perfect combination of employee productivity and employee well-being is a 3 + 2 schedule, with three days in the office and two days in remote areas. He says this combination gives individuals the opportunity to build relationships in the office and work on simpler individual tasks at home.

However, Bock says executives are reluctant to embrace a permanent telecommuting model. This may be due to the large investment that companies make when buying luxury offices. But it can also be related to the management itself.

Most executives have been working in the office for 20 to 30 years, so it’s comfortable for them. He told Fortune that environment they knew how to lead. They want to go back to what they are used to and believe their experience is better than what the science of humus shows. The hybrid model is more productive and happier than being in the office five days a week.

When the pandemic broke out in 2020, many white-collar jobs shifted to remote work for safety reasons. The tech sector quickly adapted to this new format, as many employees found that they liked the flexibility they gained from working from home. But a wave of new companies, including high-tech giants like Meta and Apple, are beginning to try to bring (or summon) their workers back to their headquarters.

The story continues

Some studies have shown that this move to virtual work does not reduce employee productivity, but Bock tells Fortune that the study lacks a complete story. I’m talking. It is true that total labor productivity has not changed, but labor productivity per working hour has declined. People work longer, take less breaks, and work on weekends because they can’t stop working. He adds that working in isolation without teammates or colleagues is an emotional sacrifice.

Bock says workers will want to come to the office on their own when they see their boss giving more promotions and opportunities to staff in the building than those who work from home. He said he was thinking. The dynamics of new power can force reluctant employees to return to the office when trying to gain the support of their boss.

Bosses looking to push employees back to headquarters need to make sure that there are obvious benefits to getting a job. Whether it offers face-to-face coaching opportunities or free lunches, Bock suggests that employers clarify the benefits of working in the office. He also urges businesses to confirm that their promises are important.

Many companies promise great in-house experiences, but they can’t do that, Bock said.

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