La Salud de los Trabajadores de Enfermería en un Contexto Hospitalario Público Universitario

enfermería; salud del trabajador ; hospital universitario
Main Author: 
Maria Yvone
Chaves Mauro
Fernando.H. B.
Fernando.A. D.
Andreia F. da
Antonio J.

Mauro, Maria Yvone Chaves

Departamento de Salud Pública/ Facultad de Enfermería de la Universidad del Estado de Río de Janeiro – FENF/UERJ /Profa. TitularCoordinadora del Programa del Post grado del FENF/UERJ Enfermera del Trabajo / Ergónoma00 55 21 25574020 /, Fernando.H. B.Facultad de Enfermería UERJ /Alumno del Master en Enfermería 2004 Enfermero Jefe de la Clínica Medica del HUPE/UERJ, Fernando.A. D.Facultad de Enfermería UERJ /Alumno del Master en Enfermería 2004 Enfermero del Programa de Control da Tuberculosis Hospitalaria (PCTH)- UFRJsanches@hucff.ufrj.brPaz, Andreia F. daFacultad de Enfermería UERJ / Prof. de FENF/UERJEnfermera de la Comisión de Bio seguridad del PCTH/IDT/UFRJ Especialista en clínica médicaCupello, Antonio J.Facultad de Enfermería UERJ / Prof. Adjunto DEMI Enfermero / Ergónomo


It is a descriptive and quantitative investigation carried out with workers of infirmary whose study object was the perception of the same envelope its condition of physical, emotional, social health, professional, intellectual and spiritual. Objective: To help the workers to contemplate and externar, with conscience, their well-being and their way of living. Methodology: It used a car-explanatory survey, with the help of students of Master in infirmary of UERJ, containing ten conceptual variables of each level of health. Of the 84 professionals, they only answered 53 (63%); the statistical analysis took in consideration the 2/4 of the tendencies for the ends of the answers (rarely, sometimes, many times and always) of the workers of the four clinics you prescribe of the public hospital of River of Janeiro, 2003. Results: It was evidenced that most of those that responded was included in an approximate level to good of health whose results indicate: the) in the physical health, seven variables had positive tendencies and three negatives and they aim the lack of physical activities, balanced diet and enough dream; b) in the emotional health, 100% is considered healthy; c) as for the social health, 90% considers it excellent, being excepted the social paper next to the community in that he lives; d) as for the professional health, most is considered well, except for uncomfortable with the financial situation; and) in the intellectual health the result was excellent and 10% only said not to be expressed through the arts; f) the spiritual health was considered very good, except for the topic to look for voluntary realization in the community actions