


  • Abstracts reception: April 15, 2016
  • Results of abstract pre-selection: April 22, 2016
  • Full paper reception and edition closing: July 15, 2016
  • Decision about selected full papers and its presentation form: July 22, 2016



Between all contributions in SPANISH, the best ones will be selected for being reviewed for its publication in the journal "ORPjournal".

Thematic and Sectorial Areas
The working areas of this congress are the following ones:

  • Quality
  • Ergonomics
  • Environment
  • Industrial Hygiene
  • Internet and Prevention
  • Safety at the workplace
  • Working Psychosociology
  • Preventive Activity Management
  • Legal Aspects of Prevention
  • Occupational Medicine and Epidemiology



The official languages of the Congress are Spanish and English. All abstracts and full papers can be sent in any of these languages.



All selected full papers will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and edited for its publication in the Congress Proceedings.

The publication will consist in an interactive CD-ROM, R. Mondelo, P. et al.; Proceedings of the 16th Internacional Conference on Occupational Risk Prevention ORP2016.

ISBN: p.c.

In the same way, abstracts from acceptes contributions, will be published in a special sdition of ORPjournal.

ISSN: 2385-3832



The Scientific Committee will evaluate all received full papers and will define those ones which will be in the congress proceedings. Possible modes:

1. Poster: In order to enhance the share author’s practical work, is possible to expose it as posters, always respecting established dimensions: ISO AO ó 90 wide x 120 high. In the poster should be included the ORPconference logo, which can be found at the end of this page.

2. Communication: Public presentation of your paper in the Congress (depending on Scientific Committee selection and available time). In the presentation should be included the ORPconference logo, which can be found at the end of this page

Both modes will appear in the Congress Proceedings and the authors must have performed the full paper in Word with the right format.

  • The breach of deadlines or writing forms may result in rejection of the full paper publication and its exclusion from the Congress Proceedings. Please read the instructions carefully.
  • After your abstract submission, it will be assigned an ID number. This number will be useful for locate your work, to check its editing and publishing status and solve issues. Please, keep it handy if you need to contact us.
  • All abstracts and full papers should be sent electronically through the form in this website, with the main author’s email. We cannot guarantee the reception by other sending mechanism.
  • We attach a template to facilitate the writing process



For the abstract submission, the authors should send an abstract through an electronic form in the section ABSTRACT SUBMISSION on the website. The main author must be registered in the Conference before the submission, and be logged in. We will NOT accept abstracts sent by other ways.

The formal contact between the Technical Secretariat and the research group associated to the full paper will be though its main author, if there is only one author, this person will be the main author. Is very important reviewing the email address during the registration process due to that this is the only way to contact efficiently with the Conference’s Technical Secretariat.

The formal contact between the Technical Secretariat and the research group associated to the full paper will be though its main author. If there is only one author, this person will be the main author. Is very important reviewing the email address during the registration process in order to contact efficiently with the Conference’s Technical Secretariat.

In this stage of the application, is mandatory a previous registration, but is not necessary to pay the fee. The registration is only needed for identification and contact reasons.

  • Language: Spanish or English.
  • Title: The maximum length is 150 characters.
  • Classification of the main and secondary theme: choose the theme and the specialization within it which identifies better your contribution.
  • Keywords: Between 2 and 4 words  (words which identifies with the general theme of the paper, we do not recommend composed words).
  • Highlights: 3 sentences with a máximum length of 80 characters which report the main contributions of your paper.
  • Abstract: Maximum length of 1700 characters (it should expose briefly the treated theme and the main conclusions of the work as well as the used methodology).
  • Preferences: please, specify if you prefer that your paper is exposed as communication or as poster, in order to that the Scientific Committee can consider it. Complete the data about main author: please, indicate the name of your company or institution and upload a picture.
  • Authors: add the first name, last name and company or institution of the rest of authors (if there are) in the corresponding place.
Once all abstracts have been received, they will be evaluated by a Scientific Committee which will elaborate a report for validate that all received abstracts accomplish technical and scientific interests, clarity, synthesis and the main conclusions are relevant for be exposed in an international Congress.



  • Indications for papers writing.
    • The paper must be delivered in WORD format using the template attached at the end of this page and following the indications specified in it. As is indicated in the template, the document must NOT contain information related to the title, authors, abstract or key words. The congress management platform will add this information automatically in the final paper with the data provided in previous stages. We recommend checking that all introduced data are right.
    • The WORD file name must be the paper ID
  • Instructions for papers sending. The paper sending must be done by the main author as is indicated in the following lines:
    • Log in in the congress official website.
    • Go to Mi Espacio in the menu below your username and select the option Trabajos
    • Click on the paper title for see it and select the option
    • Click on the paper title for seeing it and select the option Editar in order to Access to the Sending form.
    • In the section Cuerpo, select the Word file and click on Subirlo al servidor for upload it. If your prefer poster presentation as participation mode, upload the image in jpg or jpeg format. The maximum file size is set on 50MB. Click on Guardar for sending the work.


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