The objective is to evaluate the psychometric properties of a data collection instrument about the applicability of the RS #32 in accordance with the standard, based on the adequacy of the results of its application as a pilot test. Methodological study, involving investigations of methods of obtaining, organizing and analyzing data through the instrument evaluation and research techniques. The psychometric properties reliability and practicability were evaluated after approval by the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)’ Research Ethics Committee (REC), according to statement number 2,031,013. It counted with 137 nursing professionals participating. The reliability was estimated through internal consistency and test-retest stability, with satisfactory results of internal consistency (Cronbach alpha= 0.928) and test-retest stability (Intraclass Correlations Coefficient = 0.70) for the instrument as a whole. The practicality indicated that the instrument was considered important in relation to its content, although exhaustive due to its large extension. The instrument was considered reliable for use in health services, however, it is recommended to further study of the psychometric properties of validity verification. It is expected that future uses of the reliable instrument will contribute satisfactorily to health managers to identify health-damaging events’trends and possibilities, in order to maintain favorable work environments, as well as to the accident levels’ reduction and consequent reduction of absenteeism rates and working conditions improvement.
Autor principal: 
Maria Yvone Chaves
FENF/UERJ - Faculdade de Enfermagem UERJ
Nathalia Pey Tournillon
Leonardo Regace
Valencia College Fl,EUA

Regulatory Standard 32 appeared in an imperitive context of health workers about legislation that regulate practices in these services, based on the axes of the worker's capacitation, programs that deal with risks, and measueres to protect against risks.  However, its implementation still faces challenges, especially among nursing workers. The objective is to identify the applicability of the RS 32 from organizational aspects recognized by the nursing professional of the hospital  environment.


The Method is a descriptive, cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach, developed in a large hospital linked to the Sistema Unico de Saude (SUS), located in the northern part of the Rio de Janeiro city, that belongs to the federal public hospital network.  It counted with 137 nursing professionals participating, who answered a questionnaire with 86 questions and 10 domains of knowedge, following the RS 32 proposal.  The data were tabulated and analyzed through simple descriptive statistics, presenting absolute and relative frequencies.  


The results is was observed that the majority of participants were: female (89,1%), between 11 and 20 (45,3%) years of study, with one employment (52,5%) and with federal statutory contract (65,0%).  About the weekly workload, it was noted that the majority work between 30 and 39 hours, both in the hospital (70,8%) and in another workplace (19,0%), predominanting the day shift (67,9%).  Regarding work-related issues, 88,3% of the workers affirmed that there is no Occupational Health Program at the instituicion and only 21,2% asserted that it is done a risks assessment that arises from working conditions.  A large part affims that it is no control of work accidents and diseases (59,1%), but 19% report that the Work Accidents Communication (Wac) is done, 2,2% affirm that medical evaluation and therapeutic procedures are performed, and 75,9% ensure that both options are  done together.


Is was observed that a significant number of the participants are not awere of programs and actions aimed to the prevention of work-related diseases and accidents, and to their health promotion, demonstrating a great lack of the institution regarding  the well-being of is workers and the feasibility of RS32.

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