Towards a Reflexive Approach on the Continuous Training Needs of Preventionists

This presentation describes the results of a French study based on a questionnaire survey that has identified the needs training needs of preventionists and some characteristics of their activity. This report formalise the high variability of jobs, tasks, activities which lie in the category “preventionist” that we encounter in France. The collected data highlight the contradictions and difficulties which undermine the preventionists’ activities. The lack of cohesiveness among preventionists may make it difficult for them to structure as a group with common interests, and common objectives. Based on our study, we can only suppose that as many as 25% of preventionists could be in a situation of professional distress because they haven’t been trained to deal with all the tensions and contradictions that they have to manage.
Palabras Clave: 
prevention, prevention training, ergonomics, reflexive approach
Autor principal: 

Garrigou, Alain

Departement HSE / IUT / Université Bordeaux 1 / Domaine universitaire/ 33 405, Talence 33 5 56 84 58 31 /

Peissel-Cottenaz, Guy

INRS / Service Formation / Avenue de Bourgogne BP 1271 / 54 511, Vandoeuvre / France 33 03 83 50 21 53/


This presentation describes the results of a French study based on a questionnaire survey that has identified the needs training needs of preventionists and some characteristics of their activity. This report formalise the high variability of jobs, tasks, activities which lie in the category “preventionist” that we encounter in France. The collected data highlight the contradictions and difficulties which undermine the preventionists’ activities. The lack of cohesiveness among preventionists may make it difficult for them to structure as a group with common interests, and common objectives. Based on our study, we can only suppose that as many as 25% of preventionists could be in a situation of professional distress because they haven’t been trained to deal with all the tensions and contradictions that they have to manage.


Prevention, prevention training, ergonomics, reflexive approach


The contents of OSH training, whether initial or continuous have traditionally been defined from what the diverse preventing or training institutions considered as relevant scientific or technological disciplines.

Within this framework where the training of preventionists is mostly based on a priori definitions of what a preventionist should know, our project based on a questionnaire survey aims at identifying what the preventionists really need in terms of training (Garrigou

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